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Maps & Local Search

Maps and Search

More than half of Canadians own a smartphone and every phone comes with a map feature. They can be used to find your way to a specific address if you are in a new area. But maps can also help you find services and products near you.  Most searches in a map search will also show you the hours and direct you to their website to find out more information, like a phone number. You can find the nearest coffee shop or directions to a hospital or library in your local area.

Google Maps is another feature of your Google account that you already have access to. It will save your searches, direct you to home or work and other known addresses. It can be accessed from any computer and can sync with your phone app.

Because phone have a GPS function, (if it’s turned on) your mobile phone will know exactly where you are and provide you with turn by turn directions to get to your destination. From a computer, you would enter in your ‘from’ location and the ‘to’ destination to get detailed directions.

Another great aspect of Google Maps is to just type in what you are looking for in the local area. All of the establishments will show up with red markers. You can click on one to see more information. You can type in “coffee,” “pizza,” or “school” to find places near you.

google maps owen sound

From your smartphone, the Google Maps app will even read out loud the turn-by-turn directions.

  1. Open the Google Maps app
  2. Search for a place – Owen Sound for example.
  3. Touch the blue button of a car, person walking, or bike.

See this list of Google Maps Tips and Tricks to learn more about this program.


Activity 13: Google Maps

  1. Open Google Maps and plot the distance from your home to your Adult Learning Centre location.
  2. Create a new blog post and blog about how Google Maps would be useful to you in your everyday life. What functions of the map website were most useful to you?
  3. List the distance you found from your home to the ALC in the post.
  4. Then find 3 other schools in Grey and Bruce counties and list their addresses according to Google Maps.

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This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario and through the Canada-Ontario Job Fund Agreement.

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